ADULT STUDY – Participants Needed!
The Gabrieli Lab at MIT is currently conducting new research on reading and reading difficulties. We are looking for people (ages 18-45) with reading and language difficulties.
The study involves approximately 1.5 hours of testing, 2 hours of computer tasks, and, if you qualify, 1.5 hours of fMRI and MEG brain imaging. You will receive a picture of your brain and $200 or more in Amazon gift cards!
Individuals with a previous diagnosis of dyslexia are especially welcome!
Participants will be compensated $20/hr.
If interested, please contact the lab by email or call 617-401-7870
CHILD STUDY – Participants Needed!
The Brain, Education, and Mind (BEAM) Lab and the Gabrieli Lab at MIT are studying the neuroscience of reading & math development and disabilities with the goal of better supporting struggling learners. We are currently recruiting students in 3rd-6th grade who fit any of the following:
- Typically developing
- Struggling with reading (and/or diagnosed with dyslexia)
- Struggling with math (and/or diagnosed with dyscalculia)
- Struggling with attention (and/or diagnosed with ADHD)
The study involves 1-2 study visits that will include behavioral testing, language and math games, and an MRI scan. Participate can receive a picture of their brain, score results upon request, and $150 or more in Amazon gift cards!
If interested, please contact by email. Interested parents can also fill out our Child Screening Survey.
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